In January 2014 a Whole School Evaluation was carried out in our school by the Department of Education and Skills. Every area of the school was evaluated including quality of teaching, leadership and management and support for student's wellbeing. The school was found to have strengths in the following area

• The board of management functions very effectively and is committed to school development.

• The principal succeeds in creating a very stimulating and productive learning environment for pupils.

• The teachers work very diligently and display a great willingness to embrace new methodologies and approaches in support of the pupils’ learning.

• The quality of learning support in literacy and numeracy is very good.

• The use of the outdoor environment as a context for learning is excellent.

• The exploration of local history, through a cross-community school partnership project, is highly praiseworthy.


The full report can be view on the Departments website by clicking here 

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