The Board of Management

The school is governed by a Board of Management which includes representatives from the Church of Ireland and Presbyterian Church patrons, parents, members of the local community and teachers.

The Board of Management has eight members. The term of office for the Board is four years with the current Board’s term running from 2019 – 2023.

The function of the Board is to govern the school; this includes policy formation and implementation and the appointment of staff (subject to the Minister’s and the Patron’s approval). The Board must, at all times, comply with legislation, the Rules for National Schools, the Constitution of Boards of Management and directives from the Department of Education and Skills.


Board of Management 2023-2027
Chairperson: Canon D Crooks (Patron Nominee)
Principal: Ms V Magee
Other members: Rev C. McKibben (Patron Nominee)
                             Mrs K Gallen (Staff Nominee)
                             Mrs J Du Toit (Parent Nominee)
                             Mr R Tait (Parent Nominee)
                             Mrs J Doherty (Community Nominee)
                             Mr H Wallace (Community Nominee)
Ms M Hayes
Ms N Lynch
Ms T Jacob













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