Green Schools Programme


The Eco Club was first established in 1997 and the first European Green Flag was awarded in 1999.The Green School Co-ordinator since 2000 is Mrs Heather Oliver.

The school has been very proactive in promoting environmental awareness and care through a wide range of environmental projects. The primary emphasis has been on pupil involvement and planning and giving the Eco Club members ownership of their projects. We strive to create opportunities on a ‘whole school’ basis to encourage sustainable living and responsible citizenship.
The Eco Club meet regularly. The school has been awarded 8 Green flags to date. A central notice board (in the school hall / General Purpose Room) is used to display photos and information of the Green School Programme.

The various environmental themes have been explored through a wide range of curricular subjects including Numeracy, Literacy, Local History, Music and Drama. The school has forged close links with community agencies including Donegal County Council and in particular with Convoy Community and Environmental Association.
Pupils have been involved in a wide variety of projects:
Strong emphasis is placed on ‘Growing your Own’ vegetables in a nearby allotment kindly provided by Convoy Presbyterian Church. The school previously had an allotment in the grounds of Convoy House.
An important follow-on element of the project is using the harvested vegetables to make soup and foster an interest in cooking. The pupils have made wheaten bread and hosted a ‘Potato Day’ for the school community. There was also a focus on reducing ‘air miles’ in food production.
A wide variety of habitats have been developed over the years and there has been a particular focus on bird feeding and bird watching in the school grounds.
A parent helped to create and paint a colourful mural on the playground shelter wall.
The Eco Club has established a ‘Community Butterfly Garden’ opposite the local Post Office and this has attracted a wide variety of mini beasts and butterflies.
The pupils have hosted regular ‘Action Days’ linked to the theme and ‘Green School Week’ with guest speakers.
Recycling and waste reduction are key objectives with visits to the local Recycling Centre in Letterkenny.
In December 2013, the school won first prize in the ‘Christmas Tree Festival in St.Mary’s Parish Church, Stranorlar. The theme of their decorated tree was ‘Get Fit for Christmas’ using a variety of sports equipment to create decorations.

Our Green School programme provides a wide variety of learning experiences and promotes discovery learning in’ the Outdoor Classroom’.


Green School Co-Ordinator


© 2024